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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Looking For A Publisher??? links included

So you have written the next great what?
Here is a link for The Association of American Publishers
Some of the information this site has is:
Information about them
Conferences and publications
Digital Issues
Government issues
International copyright protection
School division
Resources for publishers
and so so much more
So, I guess the next step after finishing the next great novel
would be trying to get it published,
but you might want to try to get a literary agent first.
Be careful when looking though,
There are many scam artists out there.
I am including a couple of links,
but read EVERYTHING first.
Do not sign
until you understand
what they are capable of doing, et cetera.
The Association of Authors' Representatives, Inc.
Council for Wisconsin Writers, Inc.
Romance Writers of America
A piece of unsolicited advice for sure, but an important one.
If you have a book that you feel
fits in a certain category
or like for children an age range
remember to check out several bookstores
to see if they have something similar
to yours and the retail price range.
Keep in mind though that better known
authors, publishers, series of books sometimes
can demand a higher retail price.
In other words
shop around the stores, the publishers, the agents, the attorneys
to find one
If you have any doubts or feel you are being pressured to sign then do not sign.
Trust that little voice in your head telling you something is not right.
The person or company may be an honest one,
but that does not mean the person or company is right for you.
They are in business to make money for themselves first then you.
If you have favorite authors
check and see who they sign with
and maybe start with that as a jumping off point.
Check with the company not the author.
There are books with publishers/agents lists
and you can always try the library to find listings too.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lisa Jackson---2 contests links included

The bestselling romance author
Lisa Jackson
currently has two contests going.
Contest Number One
First prize winner will receive:
An autographed 2007 Dennis Gage t-shirt
Neil Diamond's Hot August Nights CD
An autographed copy of a Lisa Jackson title
5 other winners
will receive
an autographed copy
of a Lisa Jackson novel
Winners will be chosen
July 31, 2008
and will be contacted by email.
The July 2008 contest link:
Contest Number Two
Name a character for one of her cool is that?
The name a character contest link:
To find out more about
Lisa Jackson,
her books,
and her contests
click on the link below:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Another James Patterson Contest---link included Sony Reader Bundle

There is a new contest for James Patterson fans.
You can enter to win a
Special Edition
James Patterson
Sony Reader
It comes with the first six
Women's Murder Club
The Reader Digital Book
holds up to 160
of your favorite eBooks.
The contest link is below.
James Patterson's official website link.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Sherrilynn Kenyon **Free E-Book--Seize the Night** link

The bestselling paranormal romance author
Sherrilyn Kenyon
St. Martin's Press
has a free e-book offer for her fans.
You do have to fill in some information like
name, e-mail, et cetera
and agree to the terms.
The e-book is for
"Seize the Night".
"Seize the Night"
is part of the popular
Dark Hunter series.
This is to get ready for the "Acheron" release.
This is for a limited time
so hurry!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

James Patterson--Alex Cross book order

I work in a bookstore (I bet you can tell which company--lol).
One of the biggest
dilemma's or questions
is what order to buy/read a book series.
With that once in awhile
I will try to post the order
in case you do not make it to
the author or publisher's website.
In the case of authors
sometimes there is not one
especially if they are no longer alive.
Since the
Alex Cross
James Patterson
is probably my favorite series so far
I thought I would start with it.
The order of the series:
1. Along Came a Spider (also a movie)
2. Kiss the Girls (also a movie)
3. Jack & Jill
4. Cat & Mouse
5. Pop Goes the Weasel
6. Roses Are Red
7. Violets Are Blue
8. Four Blind Mice
9. The Big Bad Wolf
10. London Bridges
11. Mary, Mary
12. Cross
13. Double Cross
14. Cross Country (release date 17 November 2008)
These books should be available
at your local
If they are out of stock
they might be available for special order.
Just ask a sales associate.
Special ordering is free.
They might also be available for free ship to home.
Please note that not
every book always qualifies
for the free ship to home feature.
You will also be able to
RESERVE your copy of
Cross Country
coming out
17 November 2008
at any
bookstore or online.
To find your local
click on the link below:
To find your local
Borders store
or to order
or reserve online
click on the link below:

James Patterson---Contest link

The extremely
James Patterson
has a contest going.
You can win
a copy of his
"summer" series
(pictures below)
by going to his
official website
(link below).
You do have to sign up
for his weekly newsletter,
but if you are a fan
that should not be a problem.

The link to
James Patterson's

These books
should be available
at your local
If the book you want is
out of stock
please ask the sales associate
to check to see if it available
for special order.
Special ordering is free.
The book may also qualify for free ship to home.
Then you would pay for the book in advance
and it is shipped directly to your house
(or someone else's if it is a gift).
Please be advised
that not all books
qualify for the
free ship to home.
To find the closest Waldenbooks click on the link below.
To find the closest Borders store
or to order from the website click on the link below.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Book Signing at Racine Public Library 24 June 2008

The Racine Public Library
will be having a book signing on:

24 June 2008


"The Sixth Lobe"


13 digit


10 digit



Michail Miller


Racine Public Library

75 Seventh Street

Racine, Wisconsin


7 p.m.



The Racine Public Library link:

To read the press release for the book signing click on this link:

This book may be available at your local Borders store or you can buy online.

To find your local Waldenbooks store click on this link:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Official Cover for "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer

The fourth and final book
in the wildly popular
(by both teenagers and adults)
"Twilight" series
"Breaking Dawn"
by Stephenie Meyer
is being released
2 August 2008.
This is the official cover of the book.
Cool very cool.
I am sure my brother would like it
since he plays chess.

Many if not all
Waldenbooks or Borders stores
will be doing a
but in order to do that they need your reservation for the book.
So, reserve your copy today
Tell your friends to reserve their copy today.
The stores really want to have the

The first three books should be available
at your local Waldenbooks or Borders store.
If they are out of stock
they should be available to special order.
Waldenbooks and Borders
special order system is free.
The books may even be available
for free ship to home.
If you are interested
in the free ship to home
just let the sales associate know this
and he/she will be happy to check on that for you.
You can RESERVE your copy of "Breaking Dawn"
at any Waldenbooks or Borders stores.
Many if not all will be doing a
for the book.
They would love to do a
but they have to have enough reservations
in advance to be able to do that.
So, do not hesitate reserve your copy today.
It is free to reserve.
To find your nearest Waldenbooks store click on the link below:
To find your nearest Borders store
or to order from the website click on the link below:
The "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer link:
Stephenie Meyer's official website link:

Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter Contest

The extremely popular and best selling author
Sherrilyn Kenyon
has a new contest going.
You can
sign up
to win
a complete
signed copy
of the
Dark Hunter
Dark Hunter contest link:
This link is for the new book
5 August 2008:
Sherrilyn Kenyon's website:
The Dark Hunter books
should be available at your local
Waldenbooks and Borders stores.
If they are out of stock ask to special order them.
Waldenbooks and Borders
do not charge extra to special order.
If they are out of stock
and are available
to special order
the books may qualify for
free ship to home
using regular shipping.
Please let the sales associate know
if you would like he/she
to check if the book qualifies for free ship to home.
Do not forget to use your
Borders Rewards card
(it is free to sign up).
To find your closest Waldenbooks use the link below:
To find your closest Borders
or to order from the website click on the link below:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank You Jacquelyn Frank and Terry Spear

A tale of how nice authors can be.

A while back I contacted Ms. Frank
about possibly sending
an ARC (Advance Reader Copy)
for the store
and possibly some bookmarks or postcards or something
to hand out to her fans or to recruit new ones.
She responded saying she would be happy to.
Ms. Frank sent
beaded bookmarks,
signed book covers and postcards,
magnets and even signed playing cards.

To top it all off she sent a ARC signed to me,
boy I can not even express how surprised I was at that.
I have never had anyone do that before.
I have bought books and even prints of artwork and had them signed
(which I was happy to do because I really liked the person),
but to receive an advance copy of a book
of one of the most popular romance series just threw me for a loop.


Ms. Spear another paranormal romance author
sent bookmarks and press releases of her book "Heart of the Wolf".
The book had already come out
when I blogged about it after reading the ARC our store received.
We only had a couple of books left when the bookmarks and press releases showed up.
We had the book on an endcap and it sold fast
and we put the last two back in the section,
but I decided to put them back on the endcap
along with the press release
and they were gone when I came back to work the next day.
**smiling here**
I do apologize the picture for "Heart of the Wolf" is so small.
I had to use a "stock" picture instead of taking a picture as I did with "Noah".

Our store thanks both of you as do our customers.
Customers and employees really do appreciate it
when famous people in any genre recognize them.
I have had a few authors and charities
either leave comments on my blog,
send a personal message through My Space,
or e-mail me thanking me for spreading the word.
I think I should be the one thanking you for giving me a reason to blog.
It is sometimes hard to find things I like
or think is worthy enough to actually blog about.
It is just so much easier to find things I do not like to blog about.
So, please keep up the good work.

Bloggers like to know when someone reads their blog
and likes what they see
instead of always hearing what is not liked
just like customers and employees of stores, et cetera.

So thank you all for past, present, and future responses.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

International Crime Fiction (link to blog)

This was today's Blog Of Note
and it fits my blog for
anything having to do with reading.
I have to say I am a little surprised
I did not find this one before today.
I love mysteries
and am always looking for new authors and/or books to read.
There are authors on the blog I never heard of....
yay for me....
nay for me.
Yay because I have someone new to get excited about
and nay because I probably should have heard of these authors.
What authors am I talking about???
To find out check out the blog.......LOL......I am not spoiling the fun of reading the blog below.
Detectives Beyond Borders:
A Forum for International Crime Fiction

Contests, Author, Book Signings, Etc. Information Wanted

I give honest reviews and always say whether I bought, won, or was given an advanced reader copy (ARC) or was just given a book by an author or as a gift. I am not a professional author, publisher, et cetera and as of this moment do not get paid for my reviews.

I did work in a book store for a while until it closed in January of 2009. I like to read and read a variety of books. I buy most of the books I read, but would love to receive ARCs or free books.

I read old and new books and there are only a handful of people who's reviews I enjoy reading and I do not let them influence me much (except in maybe I will pick up a book even if that reviewer does not like it). Everyone's taste is different and if I like something does not mean somebody else will.

If you are an author, publisher, blogger, or et cetera and would like me to read something of yours or want to add information to my blog please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you very much for reading and supporting my blog.

You may contact me through my e-mail

( or or
private message me on Facebook).


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