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Friday, May 2, 2008

Shape Shifter Romance--Also Review on "Heart of the Wolf" by Terry Spear

My friend Lori (Colors of Me blog) and contributor e-mailed this to me today.

If you love shape shifter romance novels then check them out. You can check out contest winners, interviews, reviews about them or by them, guest bloggers, authors, and more.

I just finished reading this book a couple of days ago and is one featured on Shape Shifter Romance. I have to admit when I started reading it I was not sure I was going to like it. It had a few things that I felt were not (mmm....) necessary. The two main characters were not together and there was what I felt scenes that just did not seem right.

I know it is a romance but I have trouble sometimes with unnecessary nakedness and descriptions. I ended up really liking the book though. It was one I was reading at work (I work in a bookstore and we receive ARCs) during my breaks and I think that is why I found myself going in a little earlier than usual to try and finish the book.

If you like romance with a good mystery read this book because I think you might enjoy it. I never was much for "werewolf" stories because I have always been a little too creeped out with the whole werewolf story, but this is definitely NOT what I always thought of werewolf stories. Thankfully :)!!!

I liked that the two main characters (male and female) were both strong, determined, and devoted to each other. One character is a red wolf and one is a gray. Both characters were found when young and taken into a gray wolf pack. The head of the pack gets to pick his mate, but the one he wants loves another. She runs away and years later gets caught and put in a zoo and that is where the story starts to get really interesting. To read the about the mystery and romance buy the book!! :) :D

I get bored easily with books now days it seems because there is so much unnecessary added fill, or the characters do not seem true, or sometimes a particular author's books seem alike after a while.

The books listed on Shape Shifter Romance are available either in your local Waldenbooks or Borders stores or if they are not in stock they might be available for special order at no extra charge, or on the Borders website.
To find your local Waldenbooks store click on the link below.

To find your local Borders store click on the link below.

Borders/Waldenbooks has a FREE rewards card that you can sign up for.

At the time of this writing the company does NOT sell your information.

It is easy to sign up. If you have e-mail then it is e-mail and phone number (no area code--it is just to help look you up in case you forget your card), and if you do not have e-mail it is your first and last name and phone number.

Any questions just ask a clerk or check out the website.


Terry Spear/Terry Lee Wilde said...

Thanks for the review, Mary!

If anyone is interested, we're giving away more prizes at Shapeshifters a wolf puppet from Rebecca York, on May 14, I'll be offering one of my teddy bears, several of which have won awards and have been featured in a number of magazines and newspapers at a $40 value. Just comment sometime during the week on my blog posting, and you'll be entered! And Marcia will be donating an autographed book, Unstable Environment May 21.

Mary L said...

You're very welcome. I love hearing from authors! I can not wait to read your next book.

Contests, Author, Book Signings, Etc. Information Wanted

I give honest reviews and always say whether I bought, won, or was given an advanced reader copy (ARC) or was just given a book by an author or as a gift. I am not a professional author, publisher, et cetera and as of this moment do not get paid for my reviews.

I did work in a book store for a while until it closed in January of 2009. I like to read and read a variety of books. I buy most of the books I read, but would love to receive ARCs or free books.

I read old and new books and there are only a handful of people who's reviews I enjoy reading and I do not let them influence me much (except in maybe I will pick up a book even if that reviewer does not like it). Everyone's taste is different and if I like something does not mean somebody else will.

If you are an author, publisher, blogger, or et cetera and would like me to read something of yours or want to add information to my blog please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you very much for reading and supporting my blog.

You may contact me through my e-mail

( or or
private message me on Facebook).


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