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Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Swan Place" by Augusta Trobaugh

This version of the trade paperback came out in January 2004.
It is 290 pages.
The ISBN (13 digit) is 9780452281142.

I recently read this version of "Swan Place" by Augusta Trobaugh. I do not normally read what I like to call "regular" fiction. People who know me know I read mostly mystery, thriller, paranormal romance, and the occasional science fiction or fantasy book.

The book centers around fourteen year old Dove. Dove's family goes through many changes during her fourteenth year of life. In that year she makes friends of Savannah and Buzzard. Dove learned she is stronger than she thinks, that friendship and learning comes in different colors and ways,
and family is the most important thing in a person's life.

I found myself NOT wanting to put this book down and wondering why it has not been made into a movie yet.

Augusta Trobaugh did a great job with describing her characters (who sometimes felt like real people) and the places in her book. I could picture all of it in my mind. I realized as I was reading the book that I sometimes have a hard time picturing the characters or places in a book or the places those characters inhabit.

It is a book that I believe could teach all of us a thing or two. I do not like "preachy" books and usually end up not finishing those kind. This one teaches us without getting too "preachy", even though church, God, and spirituality are a strong theme throughout the book. It is a well written book with a strong good story to tell through a young girl who is became a kind and decent young lady.

I almost chose not to read this book, but am so glad I did.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Racine Literacy Council Summer Read-A-Thon 2009

The Racine Literacy Council
has announced the dates for
the summer of 2009 read-a-thon.

Racine Literacy Council
734 Lake Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin 53403

telephone: (262) 632-9495
fax: (262) 632-9502

Start date:
8 June 2009

End date:
8 September 2009

Racine Literacy Council home page link

In order to participate you have to read
a number of books over three months
and have people pledge money for your participation.
The money raised will go to
the Racine Literacy Council
adult tutoring program.
Anyone can participate
from children to adults or form a team.
More details are on
the Racine Literacy Council website.

To print out the pledge form click on the link below:

If you have any questions you may also go to
the Racine Literacy Council, telephone them, e-mail them, or call them.
Their address and telephone number are ate the beginning of this blog.

I believe this would be a great family event.
Maybe as an adult you have not been reading as much as you used to
and would like your children to read more.
This is a perfect way to get the kids involved
and help raise money for a worthy cause at the same time.

Many adults do not read at all or do not read very well
and could use some help.
Those of us who do read and do not have that much trouble reading
do not always realize that some people at any age
just have a difficult time learning to read or being able to read well.
I personally have had friends and family in both categories
and have watched people I care about struggle to read even a box.
I can not imagine how hard it is for them to fill an application for employment.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do You Twitter? Many of your favorite authors do.

We have all been seeing and hearing about people Tweeting.
I wonder if you have looked for some of your favorite authors yet?
I have not looked for all them yet,
but here is just a sample of who is on Twitter:
John F. Merz
Erica Spindler
Harlan Coben
Meg Cabot
Terry Pratchett
Toni Andrews
Nalini Singh
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Shari Anton
Colleen Gleason
Michelle Rowen
Gail Konop Baker
Neil Gaiman
Ruby Blotzer
Nancy Da Silva
Allison Brennan
Sorry, as you can tell I did not put them in alphabetical order.
I went down my list and wrote them down in the order they were in my list.
I have not been Tweeting long
and have only begun to find people or have them find me too.
Hugh Jackman
has been Tweeting on his world tour to promote Wolverine.
I know it has absolutely nothing to do with books really,
but it has been fun getting the updates.
There probably is already a book out about the movie anyway.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

James Patterson Contest Win a Free Trip To Meet Him

I like many people around the world

am a huge fan of author

James Patterson.

I also receive the newsletter e-mail that anyone can sign up for.

In today's newsletter

there is a contest link

for a chance to

win a free trip to meet him.

How cool is that?

As if that is not great enough if you win

you will receive a complete set of

the Women's Murder Club series

along with an

autographed copy of

"8th Confession"

due out

27 April 2009

and an invitation

to try the beta group testing of upcoming

Women's Murder Club games.

Here is the contest link:

James Patterson official website link:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valerie Laken Book Signing at Harry W. Schwartz


Valerie Laken
is from Rockford, Illinois
and is
currently an
Assistant Professor of English
at the
University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee
Creative Writing.
The novel
"Dream House"
is the debut novel of
Valerie Laken.
The book is published by
Harper Collins.
While you are on the
Harper Collins
you can sign up for
Author Tracker.
Author Tracker
allows you to receive e-mails on
Harper Collins
author appearances near you.
If you would like to read a little about the book
please click on the following link:
If you would like to
meet the author,
purchase a copy of the book,
have it signed then here is your chance.
2559 North Downer Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Thursday, 19 February 2009

Valerie Laken website:

Harper Collins website:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Waldenbooks---Regency Mall--Last Day 24 January 2009

Just a quick reminder that the
Regency Mall
last day open is
Saturday, 24 January 2009.
All regular price books are 40% off list price.
The mall and store closes at 8 p.m. on Saturdays.
On a personal note
if any
regular customers
happen to read this
I would like to say
for supporting the store over the years.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Waldenbooks at Regency Mall Is Closing

Regency Mall,
Racine, Wisconsin
I just wanted to write something for
everyone that reads this blog
and who have supported
Waldenbooks in Regency Mall
by shopping there
the authors
who have graciously shared
ARCs, bookmarks, bumper stickers, and more
with the employees and the customers
I have only been with the since August 2006,
but have shopped there since it opened back in the early 1980's.
It is going to be hard to say goodbye to the friends I have made there
and the customers who have made me smile.
I still plan on keeping this blog
(I know I have not updated for a while--sorry about that)
but it might be hard to write about books at first.
I will try to get to different websites
to let you know about
contests, free downloads, et cetera.
Since I am looking for a job
it might take a while to write about new books coming out.
I just do not have the funds to buy new books right now.
I do have many I have not read yet
because I just do not read as fast
as my mother and my friend Lori.
Those are mostly mysteries though.
insert a shameless plug and plea
Since I am looking for a new job
(whether I want to or not)
if you hear of anything
please let me know
and if you are an author
that would like some free publicity
and have a spare ARC to send
please contact me.
I also have a Facebook and Myspace page
(though I admit I am on Facebook a lot more)
to spread the word.
Once again

Contests, Author, Book Signings, Etc. Information Wanted

I give honest reviews and always say whether I bought, won, or was given an advanced reader copy (ARC) or was just given a book by an author or as a gift. I am not a professional author, publisher, et cetera and as of this moment do not get paid for my reviews.

I did work in a book store for a while until it closed in January of 2009. I like to read and read a variety of books. I buy most of the books I read, but would love to receive ARCs or free books.

I read old and new books and there are only a handful of people who's reviews I enjoy reading and I do not let them influence me much (except in maybe I will pick up a book even if that reviewer does not like it). Everyone's taste is different and if I like something does not mean somebody else will.

If you are an author, publisher, blogger, or et cetera and would like me to read something of yours or want to add information to my blog please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you very much for reading and supporting my blog.

You may contact me through my e-mail

( or or
private message me on Facebook).


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