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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dean Koontz--The Good Guy

"The Good Guy" by Dean Koontz

paperback out next week Tuesday, 29 April 2008

You can get your copy at Waldenbooks or Borders.

Dean Koontz website

To find your nearest Waldenbooks store

To find your nearest Borders store

Monday, April 21, 2008

Polls Added Please Vote

I decided it would be fun to add some polls.

I added 3 of them off to the side.

1. Your favorite mystery/thriller author.

2. Your favorite science fiction/fantasy author.

3. Your favorite romance author from Wisconsin.

So, do me a favor if you are reading this and please take a minute to vote.

If your favorite is not there then leave me a comment. I am trying to see who people are reading and I will try to find more information about upcoming books or appearances to blog about.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Internet Book Database--website and MySpace links included

I found this actually on Myspace.
This website is for people who read books, for authors who want their books listed, even for bloggers (so cool), etc.
You can look for an author, see what is being read, it has author interviews, reviews, giveaways and more.
So check them out!!!
This is their official website:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Flying Home: Lionel Hampton Celebrating 100 Years of Good Vibes" (Borders exclusive book and cd)

Borders, Inc. has released its latest exclusive title,
"Flying Home:
Lionel Hampton
Celebrating 100 Years of Good Vibes"
That is according an 15 April 2008 press release
(the first link below is the complete press release).
It was written by
Stanley Crouch
with a foreward
by Wynton Marsalis.
This book is a must for any jazz fan.
It is a photo retrospective of Lionel Hampton's life, music, and more.
This collector's book comes with an exclusive CD.
It contains some never before released performances.
This book and CD are only available at
Borders stores across the country.
The second link below
is for Borders
and the
third link is to
locate a Waldenbooks.
Waldenbooks stores might not carry the book, but they can possibly order the book.
Special orders from Borders and Waldenbooks are no extra charge if shipped to the store.
Sometimes if you order through the store a book might qualify for free ship to home.
Any questions please contact your closest Waldenbooks or Borders stores.

Flying Home: Lionel Hampton, Celebrating 100 Years of Good Vibes
Data: Hard Cover, April 2008
ISBN 0681817542

Monday, April 14, 2008

Book Drive--Waldenbooks and Borders Stores

Want to share the joy of reading to kids?
At your local Waldenbooks and Borders book stores they are doing a book drive to help underprivileged children.
Each store is working with one specific school, organization, etc. in their city to help children get books.
Customers can purchase a book at their local Waldenbooks or Borders store and the store will donate that book to the group they partnered with.
This is running from April 13-May 3, 2008.
The local Waldenbooks
in Racine, Wisconsin
is partnered with
Racine Lighted Schoolhouse
for their after school program
for kindergarten through 8 grades.
To find a
Waldenbooks or Borders store
near you
click on one of the links below:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Harper Collins

Harper Collins Publishing tells you sooooooo much about their authors, books, etc.

Some of their authors are:

Janet Evanovich--careful with her she's addictive
Jamie Lee Curtis--yes she writes!!! she writes very good children's books
Criss Angel--from Mindfreak
Madeleine Albright
Buzz Albright
Ray Bradbury
Paulo Coelho
Jackie Collins

and dozens and dozens more!!!!

They publish every genre it seems like so whether you like inspirational, a good mystery, science fiction, fantasy, romance, childrens, I am sure you will find an author perfect for you.

They also have what is called Author Tracker. What that is you sign up where you live and share your e-mail and they will e-mail you when one of their authors will be in your area for a booksigning, etc. It is really nice because newspapers, television, and radio do such a poor job at letting people know when authors are coming into the area.

Happy Reading!!!!

Mystery Writers of America

Mystery Writers of America ("MWA") is for mystery and crime writers, professionals, allied to the crime writing field, aspiring crime writers, and anyone who loves a good mystery or crime book.

You can learn about the various programs available to help writers, professionals, etcetera from their website (the link is below). You can also learn about authors and their books, the calendar of events, announcements of their authors, tour dates, new releases and they have added a blog that is brought to you by mystery authors.

Mystery Writers of America also present The Edgar Awards (registered trademark). This is the 62nd year for the awards. The banquet is Thursday, 1 May 2008 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. For more information on The Edgar Awards click on the link below.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Children's Choice Awards--kids vote for favorite book

Children's Book Week is Monday, 12 May 2008 through Sunday, 18 May 2008.
Children's Book Week is
the oldest national literacy event in the United States.
It is celebrated in schools, libraries, bookstores, clubs, private homes, etc. Children's Book Week was started in 1919
to read the complete history of it click on the link below.
There are tabs for kids, for publishers,
for teachers, librarians, and booksellers too!!!
I wonder how many authors know about Children's Book Week??
This is the first year I remember hearing much about it.
I actually had forgotten all about it until we were reminded about it at work (which is a bookstore).
The Children's Choice Awards are a big part of Children's Book Week.
Children may vote online at
for their favorite book in five categories:
1. Favorite Author
2. Favorite Illustrator
3. Favorite Book for Kindergarten-Grade 2
4. Favorite Book for Grades 3-4
5. Favorite Book for Grades 5-6
The winners will be announced on Tuesday, 13 May 2008.
So, HURRY and have your kids vote for their favorites!!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Books for Baby Showers

I was working today and one of the women that works with me and a customer were talking books for baby gifts.

They both were talking about how an individual or a group (I am sorry I forgot which one they said) gave a bookshelf as a gift or maybe the parent to be did. I really am sorry I forgot exactly who got the bookshelf.

Anyway, whether a parent, another individual, or a group of people gets/or gives a bookshelf as a baby present is a wonderful idea. For the baby shower everyone was asked to bring one of their favorite childhood books in addition to the other gift to add to the "library". If you can not afford to buy two items, a book would make a wonderful gift.

I have almost always added a book to a child's gift even when I was younger. I had many friends who had trouble reading and I believe that comes from the parents first. Parents should read themselves and to their children. They should read many types of books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

A person needs to read well to get anywhere in this society. It is not like it was thirty or more years ago. You MUST be able to read and that starts at infancy. Children need to have reading material around and see the adults in their life reading.

Reading to better yourself, for inspiration, for fun, to learn something new is always a good idea. You are never to old to learn something new.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Watch out for flying books!!! :)

Ok, so not exactly books that fly, but close.

I work in a bookstore and we get vendor product displays in odd sized boxes. Sometimes, just sometimes they do not co-operate in coming out of the boxes. Today I was taking one out of a box (or should I say I was trying to?) and it was being very stubborn. I finally get part of it out of the box and what happens two of the books hit me in the face.

Now, I know it must have looked funny but they hurt. One caught me on the nose and one caught me on the forehead. They left tiny (really I do mean tiny) cuts that just did not want to stop bleeding. The little s.o.b.s lol. I actually had to put bandages on to stop the bleeding.

Of course that made people look at me funny and I had to explain what happened. The books knocked my glasses off (thankfully they did not break) and it gave me a headache. Stupid little books do they not know how expensive glasses are!!??!! LOL

I just thought it was kind of funny and wanted to share. It could have done some real damage, but even as it was happening I thought of Tim Allen and Chevy Chase. I do get accident prone when I am tired or do not feel good, but seriously this was more than even I am usually capable of.

Have a great weekend all.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Upcoming Release - Nora Roberts

I can't wait for this one - The Hollow by Nora Roberts.
It is the 2nd book of the Signs of Seen Trilogy and is due out on May 6th!!
You gotta read it!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Penguin Group---Publishers

Penguin Group the publishers have put out some of the hottest titles today like: "A New Earth", "Three Cups of Tea", and "Eat, Pray, Love" just to name a few. They also put out many mysteries, romance, classics and other genres. I have included a link to them for anyone wondering what they publish or to find out more information on their authors and books. I realize I have bought many of their books over the years (mostly classics or mysteries).

Many of their books are available at your local Waldenbooks or Borders stores and if they are not in stock but are still available they can special order at no extra charge for you. You can save shipping costs that way.

Reminder Educator Savings at Waldenbooks & Borders April 2-8, 2008

This is just a friendly reminder that the
educator savings event
starts tomorrow April 2 and goes through April 8, 2008.
Educators past and current
get 25% off purchases for both the classroom and personal use.
There are restrictions though.
All the details are posted on a previous blog of mine and can also be read by clicking on the link below with educators in it.
If you need to find your local Waldenbooks or Borders stores
I have added their links also.
Thanks for your support.

Contests, Author, Book Signings, Etc. Information Wanted

I give honest reviews and always say whether I bought, won, or was given an advanced reader copy (ARC) or was just given a book by an author or as a gift. I am not a professional author, publisher, et cetera and as of this moment do not get paid for my reviews.

I did work in a book store for a while until it closed in January of 2009. I like to read and read a variety of books. I buy most of the books I read, but would love to receive ARCs or free books.

I read old and new books and there are only a handful of people who's reviews I enjoy reading and I do not let them influence me much (except in maybe I will pick up a book even if that reviewer does not like it). Everyone's taste is different and if I like something does not mean somebody else will.

If you are an author, publisher, blogger, or et cetera and would like me to read something of yours or want to add information to my blog please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you very much for reading and supporting my blog.

You may contact me through my e-mail

( or or
private message me on Facebook).


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